

Over the years we have received lots of valued help in the form of inspiration, advice, assistance, materials, financial help and voluntary hours, for which we are very grateful – without it we wouldn’t be where we are today.

For inspiration, advice and assistance we would like to especially thank
Janine Pope, Mette-Sofie D. Ambeck, Berit Brunsgaard, Karen Louise Erichsen, Marianne Lund Petersen, Sarah Bodman, Tom Sowden, Benedikt Kristthorsson, Else-Marie & Tage Pedersen, Anne-Mette Lehrskov, Sven Korsgaard, Lars Hempel-Jørgensen, Sisse Strunk, Ole Skov Thomassen, Morten Nielsen (Fyrspillene), Bente Mosumgaard, Anni & Sven Christensen, Lena Hansen, Marianne Sørensen, Søren Kiel, Nina Hoffman, Martha & Egon Madsen, Eila Petersen, Gerda Pedersen, Lotte Alstrup, Niels Peter Riis.
We hope we haven’t left anyone out. Thank you.

Guest of honour
Jytte Hilden, former Danish Minister of Cultural Affairs and cultural consultant at the Royal Library, Copenhagen and freelance author.

Morgentau/Morning Dew: Regine Brunke (cello), Ingolf Lienau (violin) and Manfred Fränkel (harmonica).

Our sponsors
LAG Thy-MorsRegion NordjyllandBoddum-Ydby SparekasseForlaget Atuaghkat (Greenland), Niels Lyngsø, Helga & Jakob Heide, Janni Kirstine Pedersen, Cafax Struer og Gartneren i Hurup.

For inspiration, advice and assistance
We would like to thank everyone again for supporting us.
We are especially grateful to the team from the University of West England, Bristol, UK (Sarah Bodman, Tom Sowden, Paul Laidler, Angie Butler and Natalie McGrorty) for coming to the Festival and sharing their expertise with us.

Thy Bottle-top Badge Project
Angie Butler for organising the 'Thy Bottle-top Badge Project', and all the UWE (Bristol, UK) students from the ABC (Artists Book Club) who took part by donating their beautiful work.

Guest of honour
Also a special thank you to former President of the Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Else Marie Bukdahl for being guest of honour at the opening of the Festival.

Harmonica Book Project
We would also like to thank all the teachers and children from the regional schools who took part in making the longest harmonica book in Denmark.

Morgentau/Morning Dew: Regine Brunke (cello), Ingolf Lienau (violin) and Manfred Fränkel (harmonica).

Our sponsors
LAG Thy-Mors and Region Nordjylland.

For inspiration, advice and assistance
We would like to thank everyone again for supporting us.
We are especially grateful to Sarah Bodman (UWE) and the Award Jury: Nina Hobolth, Lilli Riget & Bent Jørgensen and Mette-Sofie D. Ambeck.

Mail Art Book Art: Shoes
We would like to thank Ahlrich van Ohlen for donating the final mail art project to the collection and for sending us lots of lovely work over the years, contributing ideas and improvements to the Festival.

Guest of honour
Nina Hobolth, senior researcher and former Director of Kunsten Museum of Modern Art, Aalborg, DK

Music in a Garden: Regine Brunke (cello), Ingolf Lienau (violin), Antje Überscheer (flute) and Nobert Dams (guitar).

Our sponsors
LAG Thy-MorsRegion Nordjylland, Jesper Yde Sørensen (Dantryk) and Lilli Riget & Bent Jørgensen (Foreningen for Boghaandværk)

For inspiration, advice and assistance
We would like to thank everyone again for supporting us.

We are especially grateful to Tommelise Haldrup Pettersen for suggesting the theme, Sarah Bodman (UWE) for suggesting the idea of a Symposium and her general support, our Writer-in-Residence Nancy Campbell for help in the period up to the Festival and for taking part in Ordkraft and writing the introduction to the catalogue. The Award Jury: Nina HobolthHanne Matthiesen and Nancy CampbellJane Højer-Kristensen for helping with our new table cloth and organising Jazz Lunch and in all other respect for her helpfulness. Ahlrich van Ohlen for his encouraging cards through the year.

Guest of honour
Søren Ryge – for agreeing to open our Festival and enter into the –for him unknown– territory of Book Arts. (We won him over (: )

Music in a GardenRegine Brunke (violoncello), Ingolf Lienau (violin), and Nobert Dams (vihuela and lute).

Our sponsors
LAG Thy-Mors (The Danish AgriFish Agency under the Rural Development Programme) and Statens Kunstråds – Billedkunstudvalg (The Danish Arts Council within the area of Visual Arts).

Donations to Doverodde Book Arts Collection
We were amazed by all the donations we have received this year from so many of you:
Joan Beadle, Birgit Daa Birkkjær, Jane Cradock-Watson, Sara Elgerot, Nick Fleming, Jonathan Hitchen, Caitlin Howard, Hilary Judd, Lucas Kunz, Sarah Jane Lawton, Sophie Lee, Birthe Juel Lindhardt, Klaus von Mirbach, Mike Nicholson, Ahlrich van Ohlen, Bernd W. Plake, Sonya Robinson, Lucy May Schofield, Lies Verdenius, Sylvia Waltering and Jesvin Yeo.
Thank you all so very much.

To all the summerhouse owners of Doverodde, thank you for letting us rent your houses during the Festival periods.

Local volunteers
For all the help over all the years – THANK YOU!

Lotte Alstrup selling tickets and minding the door by KEH-J, 2010